how to get google adsense approval in 1 minute

Newbie blogger’s or website holder, mostly everyone would like to monetized their blog’s almost every new user coming out this field . But although currently still several bloggers or website holders failed due to the fact of strict and legit polices regulated by Google AdSense. So to avoid rejections from various reasons like using out Plagiarized content , misleading or using  other techniques , even hacking which will completely terminate you’re blog or website sometimes you’ll be penalised so . Still currently nobody can tell exact reason. But these simple thing’s which I’ll mentioned down will affect or make you understand how to move forward and stop making these huge mistakes .To be honest even I’ve experienced so that's why I’ve mentioned below these 5 crucial points which you should know or guide before you submit your website or blog to  Google AdSense.

Is there any minimum traffic number ? Required for Approval?

Answer is simple Nope, there’s no actual  number of minimum or maximum for  traffic required  while you submit to get approval from AdSense. Even though some articles or local YouTubers says there’s minimum something like that , let’s talk real even Google have mentioned you don’t need any high-traffic to get Approved you just to follow-up quality of content and consistency both plays out dominant role. So focus in that , later on everything will reach you soon.

1. Unique Content

Most newbie blogger and new website holders doesn’t follow up this point correctly that’s why it’s hard to get approval from Google AdSense team. So what’s the point ? Quite simple it’s incorrect or low-quality content . We all knew that rare and unique , low- competitive it’s better for ranking , but still your blog or website mandatory should be balanced in terms of quality and quantity wisely. It’s website must hold on 600- 900 plus words maximum with good quality images should be used . Forget about using Plagiarized articles , my advice spend time for researching about the content maximum a day aleast . Focus on providing unique , user-friendly with reasonable theme and like I said high-quality images , share your personal experience or opinions . In simple words maintain your “Originality” whenever you published a content or before you submit to AdSense team.

2. Accurate basic details

Quite simple if you’re a minor below 18 forget about getting Approval from Google AdSense team and Kindly don’t play around with you’re basic details from your name , age or home address ,Like providing fake or any duplicate sorts of . Better follow-up AdSense term’s and conditions.

3. Plagiarism-free Content

This it’s very important to know still some users make this mistake and later on they’ll never get any approval from Google AdSense , that’s is “Plagiarism” in simple words-usage of copyright content or might be images , similar sentences . Although AdSense rejects those contents which has this. Imagine if you’re ended up copy and pasting content or sometimes even using out some content spinners , forget about approval by AdSense teams.

It’ll be great loss from your side lastly you’ll get penalized and huge drop in your traffic and earnings graph , that’s why I suggest you to jot down unique and Plagiarism free content , if you’re trying to attach pictures make sure you take permission from the main user otherwise check out some copyright free images sites like “Pixels” which I mostly use for food  and fitness content.

4. Theme and Design ( User-friendly)

Whenever the audiences or I would say visitors go forward into website if they find out hard or uneasy to collect the information from you’re blog or website , next time don’t hope for more visitors . Because the reason is quite simple poor design and unprofessional theme of you’re website. While it’s current 2020 you’ve to make sure you stay updated even with you’re design and outlook theme, whatever. You must add or improve user- experience according to the time.

If you’re currently using WordPress , it’s effortlessly you can design some professional looking designs and theme , show-up the creativity which you’re having out , and make sure you install “Yoast  SEO plugin to optimise your content , don’t forget to add your blog with outline tag and Meta-title .

After design , Audience even myself prefer always clean simple User interface for anything matter from Operating system to Website or Blog . While for informative websites doesn’t require any heavy skin or designed on it , person experience sometimes it’s too hard to manage consistently later on .

5. Applying and Approval final Process (Google Adsense)

So let’s forget about a minute approval sorry to say that , because it’s doesn’t workout genuinely. So quickly after your blog or website are properly settled you must go to their official page for Google AdSense and must enter all the basic details about you’re website or blog like contact information etc. With using you’re name and current home address, don’t Forget to add your bank account as well .

After signed in on  Google Adsense, you’ll get a Adsense codes to your blog site, next Ads will eventually show as vacant until the final approval procedure doesn’t complete at all . However Google AdSense work’s great with high traffic websites or micro-niches blogs sites with you’re unique eye-catching keywords which is cost per click ( CPC) that’s really enough to earn high .

It’ll take maximum some 1 or 2 weeks for analysis of you’re account for final approval by Google , after approval you’ll get a confirmation mail on like “” is now active for AdSense ads.

You’ll get approval easily , after optimization of you’re website with some sales and agreement which that makes AdSense worthy to approve for your website with more earnings.

Later on after adding you’ll get AdSense Ad codes on you’re blog like I’ve mentioned earlier , but make sure you reach aleast 10 dollar for approval .

Once you’ve reached a limit of 100 dollars you’ll be able to withdraw & Google will send mail after all.

Rahul Saini

Rahul Saini is a Software Engineer from the Gurgaon area. He has Professional Experience in PHP and Python Programming Language. Along with the Web Development, He do Technical Blogging and tricks sharing on various websites and forums.